Having been on the move a bit lately took quite some toll on my time getting work done, but finally I painted up another one.
This started out as a mere test bit for a new workflow utilizing Quixel resources, with a bit of detour to Unreal, blender texturing, quasi organic 3D sketching and trying out a lot of plugins.
So it’s fair so say I learned a lot of new things working on this simple scene of a couple of bandits ambushing a travelling warrior/knight-ish guy on his way into the core regions of Halcyrowa, the Kingdom in which my previous pieces “The Siege” project were located.
Formerly overseeing regular trade along some of the realm’s old roads, the ruin of a derelict toll outpost in a forest serves as staging ground for a couple of mercenaries freelancing on the wrong side of the law. Hm… I wonder if crime pays after all… ;)