Mistborn - The Final Empire - Opening Scene

Inspired by the great fantasy novels of the “Mistborn” series by Brandon Sanderson, I wanted to give it a shot and visualise a bit of this fascinating world and chose the first scene of the first book “The Final Empire”.
If you have time, try these awesome books (or almost anything written by Sanderson), for the author brings some fresh wind into a genre, which is overloaded with rather uninspired stories in boilerplate fantasy worlds. Especially his extremely well thought through magic systems and world structure give the fantastic an almost palpable level of immersion, so really great stuff.
Scroll down for a little process breakdown.

Mistborn - The Final Empire - Opening Scene

Mistborn - The Final Empire - Opening Scene

Process 01

Process 01

Process 02

Process 02

Process 03

Process 03

Process 04

Process 04

Process 05

Process 05

Process 06

Process 06

Process 07

Process 07

Process 08

Process 08

Process 09

Process 09

Process 10

Process 10